How to read books on Kindle Vella

Learn: What is Kindle Vella, and how do you use it? How do I access Kindle Vella? How much does it cost? How to read books on Kindle Vella.

Or try it immediately: Read This Dreamer on Kindle Vella now (Amazon login required) by following the link, or search “Sara Watterson” in the Kindle App.

What is Kindle Vella?

Kindle Vella is a reading platform allowing consumers to read books in episodes. Think of it like a podcast. A podcaster releases new material as it is created, just as an author would publish an episode, or chapter, on Kindle Vella as they are written or perhaps on a set schedule. An author will mark a book as complete when no new episodes remain. You can follow an author or even an individual story.

KV app

How do I access Kindle Vella?

There are two ways to access Kindle Vella. For both options, you will need to sign in using your Amazon account or create a new account if you don’t have one.

Option 1 – Recommended

Use the Kindle App on your phone, tablet, or another device. If you don’t have the Kindle App, you can get it for free in your app store.

Once you have signed into the Kindle App with your Amazon user name and password, touch the “Discover” link at the bottom of the screen. Next, touch “Kindle Vella” near the middle. (See below.)

how to read books on kindle vella

Now you’re on the Kindle Vella home screen! From here, you can browse by category, popular tags, top faved, previously viewed, and you can also search for something specific.

how to read on kindle vella


If you are new to Kindle Vella, you should claim your free tokens. Touch the words “FREE tokens” in the top right corner.

Get my free tokens

This grants you 200 tokens, a $1.99 value, to open new episodes. You can read the first three episodes of any story for free. After that, you will spend your tokens to unlock more. One token buys 100 words. A 1000 word episode costs 10 tokens, a 2000 word episode costs 20 tokens, and so on.

Once you’ve claimed your tokens, they’ll show up on your screen.

Searching for Stories

You can search for a specific author, title, or keyword in the search box.

How to search in kindle vella

When you find one you like, you can tap it to open the story page. The story page will show you the cover, the blurb, and the story tags. In addition, you can also see how many episodes are currently published and how many likes it has. You can leave a review, see when it was last updated, and follow the story. To follow, tap the blue button (see below).

Click here to see the live story page for This Dreamer in your web browser (or read an extended synopsis of This Dreamer.)

Read books in Kindle Vella!

Click the blue button to read episode 1 for free! Kindle Vella will let you know when it’s time to use your tokens. (Scroll down for how to buy more tokens.)

Look for the Author’s Note and the thumbs up

At the end of each episode, you’ll find a thumb you can touch to give the author a little appreciation. You might also see a quick note from the author to the reader.

What are faves?

Faves are books that have been crowned by people who’ve spent money to buy tokens. You can not crown a book using your free tokens. You can earn a Fave to give each week by redeeming tokens to unlock an episode.

What are crowns in Kindle Vella

Buying Tokens in Kindle Vella

To buy more tokens, touch the tokens link in the top right corner. The following window pops up. When you purchase, it will be charged to either your Amazon account or your app store. If you buy within the Kindle App, you will have fewer options, and the tokens actually cost more. There are more options and lower bulk prices if you use a web browser and buy directly from Amazon at (See my screenshots below.)

Kindle App – Token Buying Options

This screenshot is from my iPhone in the Kindle App. If I buy here, Apple will charge my credit card in the app store just like any in-app purchase on my phone. – Token Buying Options

This screenshot is from a web browser at If I buy here, the cost will be charged to my Amazon account. As you can see, I can get more for my money on Amazon.

Pro Tip: You can still purchase your tokens at, and they will automatically show up for you to use in the Kindle App. Best of both worlds!

How much does kindle vella cost

Giving a Fave

Once you unlock an episode using purchased tokens, the app will prompt you to crown your favorite read from among the episodes you read that week. You will receive one Fave each week.

Option 2 – How to read books on Kindle Vella

Visit in a web browser. From here, you can browse categories, tags, top faved, or search in the search bar. If you’re new to Kindle Vella, you can claim your free tokens to get started! Click the words “FREE Tokens.” (See above for more information about tokens and searching.)

read in a web browser

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2 thoughts on “How to read books on Kindle Vella

  1. RobertH

    Remember to purchase your tokens on the web site instead of the Kindle reader on your iphone, you will get more tokens for the same money.


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